

  • 2009年

    査読付き論文 / Original Papers

    Coulometric D-Fructose Biosensor based on Direct Electron Transfer Ising D-Fructose Dehydrogenase
    Tsujimura, S., Nishina, A., Kamitaka, Y., and Kano, K.
    Anal. Chem., 81, 9383-9387 (2009).

    Ion Transport Across a Bilayer Lipid Membrane in the Presence of Hydrophobic Ions
    Shirai, S., Ozaki, S., Onishi, J., Kozai, N., Ohnuki, T., and Kano, K.
    Chem. Lett., 38 (11), 1038-1039 (2009).

    Lactococcus lactis Catalyses Electricity Generation at Microbial Fuel Cell Anodes via Excretion of a Soluble Quinone
    Freguia, S., Masuda, M., Tsujimura, S., Kano, K.
    Bioelectrochemistry, 76 (1/2), 14-18 (2009).

    Air Diffusion Biocathode with CueO as Electrocatalyst Adsorbed on Carbon Particle Modified Electrodes
    Kontani. R., Tsujimura, S., Kano, K.
    Bioelectrochemistry, 76 (1/2), 10-13 (2009).

    Modification of Spectroscopic Properties and Catalytic Activity of Escherichia coli CueO by Mutations of Methionine 510, the Axial Ligand to the Type I Cu
    Kurose, S., Kataoka, K., Shinohara, N., Miura, Y., Tsutsumi, M., Tsujimura, S., Kano, K., and Sakurai, T.
    Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 82 (4), 504-508 (2009).

    Silent Form of Quinohemoprotein Amine Dehydrogenase from Paracoccus Denitrificans
    Fujieda, N., Mori, M., Ikeda T., and Kano, K.
    Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73 (3), 524-529 (2009).

    Selectivity on Ion Transport across Bilayer Lipid Membranes in the Presence of Gramicidin A
    Kubota, S., Ozaki, S., Onishi, J., Kano, K., and Shirai, O.
    Anal. Sci., 25 (2), 189-193 (2009)

    Hot Article

    Direct Electrochemistry of CueO and Its Mutants at Residues to and near Type I Cu for Oxygen-Reducing Biocathode
    Miura, Y., Tsujimura, S., Kurose, K., Kamitaka, Y., Kataoka, K., Sakurai, T., and Kano, K.
    Fuel Cells, 9 (1), 70-78 (2009).

    A High-power Glucose/oxygen Biofuel Cell Operating under Quiescent Conditions
    Sakai, H., Nakagawa, T., Sato, A., Tomita, T., Tokita, Y., Hatazawa, T., Ikeda, T., Tsujimura, S.,and Kano, K.
    Energy Environ. Sci., 2 (1), 133-138 (2009).

    Direct Electrochemistry of Histamine Dehydrogenase from Nocardioides simplex
    Tsutsumi, M., Tsujimura, S., Shirai, O., and Kano, K.
    J. Electroanal. Chem., 625 (2), 144-148 (2009).

    Electrochemical Redox Reactions of Chromium and Iron Ions in Molten NaCl-2CsCl Eutectic for Pyro-reprocessing of Nuclear Fuels
    Uehara, U., O. Shirai, T. Nagai, T. Fujii, H. Yamana
    J. Appl. Electrochem., 39, 827-835 (2009).

    Redox Equilibria of Pu4+/Pu3+ and PuO22+/Pu4+ Couples in Molten NaCl-CsCl Eutectic as Measured by Absorption Spectrophotometry
    Nagai, T., A. Uehara, T. Fujii, O. Shirai, M. Myochin, H. Yamana
    Radiochim. Acta, 97, 209-212 (2009).


    総説・解説 / Reviews, Books

    逢坂 哲彌, 跡部 真人, 石渡 佐敏, 加納 健司, 桑畑 進, 立間 徹, 門間 聰之
    (社)電気化学会編, 全209頁, 医学評論社, 2009.

    基礎から理解する化学3 「分析化学」
    藤浪 眞紀, 岡田 哲男, 加納 健司, 久本 秀明, 豊田 太郎
    医学評論社, 2009.

    辻村 清也,加納 健司
    機能材料,29(9), 44-57 (2009).

    辻村 清也,加納 健司
    燃料電池,9(1),62-71 (2009).

    使える解析テクニック!具体例で説明する電気化学測定法 分極曲線・サイクリックボルタンメトリー(5)生物電気化学
    辻村 清也,白井 理
    Electrochemistry77(6),486-492 (2009).

    辻村 清也,加納 健司
    産業酵素の応用技術と最新動向,シーエムシー出版 (2009),pp.246-256.

    電気化学測定/解析 テクニック & 事例集 ―電池/キャパシタ/めっき/腐食/センサ―,情報機構 (2009),pp. 391-400.


    受賞 / Awards

    Selectivity on Ion Transport across Bilayer Lipid Membranes in the Presence of Gramicidin A
    Kubota, S., Ozaki, S., Onishi, J., Kano, K., and Shirai, O.
    Anal. Sci., 25 (2), 189-193 (2009)

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