For applicants


 In our laboratory, we are pioneering the academic field of bioelectrochemistry, which is the chemistry of advanced mechanisms of living organisms related to the flow of electrons and ions. The basic philosophy of our laboratory is to encourage students to work on their own initiative to research themes related to ion and electron transfer in biological phenomena. Of course, we also welcome students who wish to take on the challenge of creating their own research themes.
 The following three research themes are available. Theme 1 and 2 form the core of our research, and we aim to create biomimetics in Theme 3, which is the development of applications.

<Theme 1> Membrane permeation and transport systems / Signal transduction in living organisms
<Theme 2> Enzyme electrode reaction and electron transfer
<Theme 3> Social implementation of biomimetics

 We conduct basic research that integrates analytical chemistry, molecular biology, structural biology, computational science, and materials science, with electrochemistry at the core. We are also challenging to develop a wide range of applications such as chemical/bio sensors (for agriculture, healthcare, and medical applications), next-generation power generation devices (biofuel cells, microbial fuel cells, seawater batteries, artificial photosynthesis), devices for solving environmental problems (CO2 capture and utilization, radioactive element recovery), and biomedicine (drug metabolism and evaluation, neurotransmitter communication). We are also challenging to develop a very wide range of applications in biomedicine (drug metabolism and evaluation, neurotransmitter communication, etc.).
 In our laboratory, we are committed to the motto, “Have fun and think! We encourage our researchers, including students, to take the initiative in their research. We value independence and discussion among researchers, including students, and aim to create a free atmosphere in which students and faculty can not only acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills that are not restricted to their own themes, but also engage in active interactions with each other.
 Our laboratory is looking for a wide range of students who “want to challenge their own potential,” “are interested in life and electrochemistry,” “want to work on the social implementation of biomimetics,” and “are interested in some kind of project. We are also looking for people who are interested in some kind of project. If you are interested, why don’t you come and talk with us? By meeting in person, you may gain various insights and discover new things about yourself. Of course, we can also respond online. Please feel free to contact us (either directly by e-mail to Shirai or by using the inquiry form on our website).

   We are looking forward to meeting you.

Professor Osamu Shirai, Bioanalytical and physical chemistry



【About the first round of applications】

 The entrance examination for graduate school is usually held in August.
 The deadline for application is in early July, however, it is recommended to start preparation around March in consideration of obtaining the English score required for the examination and visiting the laboratory in advance. You can check the details on our website, but it is best to consult with our laboratory first. We also provide support for the examination when you visit our laboratory, so please feel free to consult with us. We can also provide online support.

【About the second round of applications】

 The secondary examination is conducted according to the status of the primary recruitment, which has been conducted for the graduate school entrance examinations for the academic year 2022 and 2023, but the recruitment for the latest year is usually announced around November. The second round of applications is usually held in January each year, but special attention should be paid because of the short application preparation period. If you are considering applying for the second round, it is best to contact us as soon as possible.


Lab. Visit

Laboratory visits are welcome at any time.
There are two ways to contact us.
(1) Direct e-mail to Prof. Shirai
(2) By using the inquiry form on the Department’s website.

During the laboratory visit, you can
(A) Meeting with a faculty member
(B) Lab tour
(C) Discussions with students
(D) Examination support.
The standard duration is about 1.5 to 2.0 hours.
The schedule can be arranged according to your convenience.


Career path

 The following is a summary of the career paths of our graduates over the past 10 years. We have produced excellent human resources for a wide range of companies, including chemical and food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, equipment manufacturers, and consulting firms. We also have a rich record of graduates who have advanced to academia, research institutions, and public organizations.

 In addition, many of the research themes in our laboratory can be carried out in a fast hypothesis testing cycle (2 weeks on average). This allows students to experience logical thinking and rapid experimental cycles, and to improve their skills efficiently. In fact, students experience an average of 4.4 presentations at conferences during the two years of the master’s course. In addition, the average number of papers written by the first author is 1.5, allowing students to accumulate achievements through domestic and international outputs. These trends are similar for both internal and external students. They have grown significantly in the two years of the master’s course as they utilize their respective bag-rounds and integrate them with the axes of our laboratory. 
 In addition, many students, both internal and external, have advanced to doctoral programs. In addition, we do our best to support students in obtaining JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships, both financially and as first career support as a researcher. As a result, we have achieved an 80% acquisition rate, and have produced outstanding Ph. D. graduates.



  • I would like to know about research projects.

    Please see the contents of each research project. We also offer laboratory tours at any time, so please contact us. .

  • I would like to know about laboratory life.

    Please see “Laboratory Life” for the annual schedule and details of seminars. You can also follow us on SNS.

  • I am not familiar with electrochemistry.

    Many life phenomena are related to electrochemistry, and it is necessary to learn this subject. However, even for internal students, the study of electrochemistry will be done after being assigned to a laboratory. Students will learn through experiments and discussions, so it takes about six months to understand the basics.

  • How can I study electrochemistry?

    We hold electrochemistry seminars for fourth-year students and first-year master’s students who entered the course outside the department. Using “Basic Electrochemistry” as a textbook, students learn the basics in about six months. For more advanced topics, students can use a variety of teaching materials and literature according to their own research themes.

  • Can beginners of electrochemistry and physical chemistry do research?

    If you have an interest and curiosity in the research theme and each project, there is no problem at all. You can learn practically in the course of your research theme. In fact, having a variety of specialized backgrounds can be an advantage in conducting research.

  • How can I apply for a laboratory visit?

    There are two ways. Please contact Shirai directly or use the inquiry form. Laboratory tours are available at any time, and can also be arranged online. Please feel free to contact us.



1 Email directly to Prof. Shirai
(The email address is displayed as text, not linked)

2 How to use the inquiry form on the department website

Click here for the inquiry form.